PG and Research Department of Zoology

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change". -Charles Darwin, 1809
In this new and inspiring era, Zoology has gained enormous heights glorified with its immense contributions in the fields of Medicine, Engineering, Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology, Genetic Engineering, Textiles, Marine Science, etc. It provides the fundamental knowledge and tools to address many of society’s needs and to explore the unknown areas.
Considering the needs of the society, the college established the Pre-University Natural Science group in 1973. To meet our stakeholders’ requirements and to develop dynamic programmes, the college promoted the department to undergraduate level in 1980 and Masters in Zoology in 2002. To evaluate our performance against National and International benchmarks, the department has been upgraded as Research Centre for M.Phil., and Ph.D., degree since 2007 and 2014 respectively with well-equipped modern laboratory instruments.
Over the last five decades, the department has built up its reputation as one among the best in its field imparting education to the rural and first-generation learners by the vastly experienced, well qualified and highly dedicated faculty members. At present the department has produced 11 PhDs and 50 M.Phil., scholars besides hundreds of undergraduate and post graduate students. The Alumni of our department have made their mark in the various fields across India and around the globe bringing glory to our department.