Department of Chemistry

The country which is in advance of the rest of the world in chemistry will also be foremost in wealth and in general prosperity.
- William Ramsay
Realising the role of chemistry which has been responsible for some of the most significant improvements in the quality of life over the last century, the Department of Chemistry was established in T.B.M.L. College in 1972. Starting with a bachelor’s degree, it is committed to foster a respectful workplace culture. It is dedicated to the development of next generation scholars. Students are given excellent opportunities to acquire insights of chemistry by learning basic theories as well as experimental skills necessary for performing research in the respective field of interest. It reached a great milestone when the department started offering M.Sc., Chemistry in 2001, M.Phil,, in 2008 and Ph.D., in 2008. The unquenchable thirst for knowledge of the faculty members who are both engaged in teaching and research lifted up the status of our department to its peak by opening a path for students to opt for their higher studies and simultaneously become a research department. We have produced 9 PhDs and this shows how the department has grown both in terms of academic and research from its nascent state. Our students are instilled with scientific impetus to pursue a career in chemistry. The developments of technical skills through lecture classes are complemented with hands-on experience in laboratory. The department seeks to train highly competent chemists to enter into the scientific field of one’s choice in the respective field.