PG and Research Department of Commerce

The Department of Commerce in T.B.M.L College, Porayar was established in the year 1988 with B.Com Degree course. It leaped further to start M.Com Degree course in 1993, B.Com Degree course in 1989 and B.B.A Degree course in 1998 under self-financing stream. The Bharathidasan University permitted the Department to offer M.Phil Degree Program from the academic year 2007, and it was elevated as Research Department to offer Ph.D Program in Commerce (FT & PT) from 2011. The Department aims to facilitate learning of Commerce and Business Accounts which reflects the current trends and to impart skills to develop the employability of the students.
Presently the Post Graduate and Research Department of Commerce is in its 34th year of functioning. About 400 students of both genders are pursuing their studies in various academic streams of B.Com., B.B.A ., M.Com., M.Phil and Ph.D with well experienced and dedicated faculty members. The students who aspire for a career in Accounting, Finance, Audit, Marketing, Management, Entrepreneurship are ensured of a successful academic formation offered by our Department.
The Department is proud of its students who have always shown excellence in curricular activities by achieving University ranks and also in co-curricular activities like NCC, NSS, RRC, YRC, Sports and other Extension activities. It must be proudly noted here that we have several distinguished Commerce Alumni who occupy high positions in various sectors like, MNC’s Companies, Banks and Industries in India and Abroad.
Faculty Members (Aided)
- Dr.R.Murugupandian, M.Com., M.Phil.,Ph.D.
Associate professor & Head - Mr.M.Ganesan, M.Com., M.Phil.,
Associate professor - Dr.A.Xavior Selvakumar, M.Com., M.Phil.,Ph.D.
Associate professor - Mr.D.Elancheliyan, M.Com., M.Phil., B.Ed.,
Associate professor