PG and Research Department of English

"Literature is where I go to explore the highest and lowest places in human society and in the human spirit, where I hope to find not absolute truth but the truth of the tale, of the imagination and of the heart"
- Salman Rushdie
The Department of English is one among the oldest departments which continues its meritorious service since the establishment of T.B.M.L. College in 1972. It began its journey offering Part II English courses to students of all disciplines. The department has been crowned with, B.A. English Literature programme in 1977. Since then, it has been a pioneer in the study of English Language and Literature. It has been keen in facilitating the students in the acquisition of communication skills and instilling in them a spirit of inquiry. To make it happen, the department has been conducting Bridge Course for the freshers of all undergraduate programmes for more than 15 years. In 2010, B.A. English in the Evening Section was introduced. It reached a great milestone in 2011, a dream come true for it, when a post-graduation programme in English was introduced. In 2015, the yet another scholastic landmark of the department, the introduction of M.Phil programme both in full time and part time mode, raised its academic and research status . It trains the students to strengthen their skill sets and flourish holistically by their involvement in English Literary Association. To exhibit the talents and the communication skills of the students in extracurricular activities a platform is provided in the name of Euphoria, an Inter-Departmental English Language and Literary Competition from 2017. The department is a flourishing academic community of teacher-scholars, who are dedicated to sharing their expertise in various fields of their specialization. The members of the faculty are always performance-driven and continually committed to providing the best possible education to the UG, PG, and M.Phil students.