PG and Research Department of Co-operation
Moto of the Department- Seeks to Shape the Future of Students

Cooperation is the Universal instrument of Creation and Concern for Community
- International Cooperative Alliance
Cooperation as an academic subject was introduced in India and spread out in Tamil Nadu at few places. The cooperation department is a pioneer department in T.B.M.L. College, Porayar traces its origin in 1973 when the first degree course of B.A., Cooperation was introduced. The department promoted as Post-Graduate department in 1977 with holistic education in moulding and shaping the total personality of cooperation students. As per syllabi every year the PG students visit national level cooperative institutions at New Delhi, Mumbai and Calcutta as part of their Practical Training. The Department of Cooperation has grown gradually and entered with a new vision in the field of research by introducing M.Phil., [Full- Time & Part-Time] and Ph.D., [Full-Time & Part-Time] in 1984 and 1988 respectively. The nomenclature of UG & PG degrees changed to B.Com.,Cooperation and M.Com., Cooperative Management in 2005.
The Department of Cooperation is a premier research centre in Tamil Nadu, India & Aboard and one of the leading research departments in the field of cooperation. The department holds the distinction of producing 64 Ph.D., degrees and nearly 486 M.Phil., degrees. Through innovative and job oriented papers and its updated scientific methods of teaching, through its ‘learn yourself ’, our Alumni hold the key position at Nation level Cooperative Federations in New Delhi and working as Professor of Cooperative Management in Ethiopia. The faculty members of our Department completed 01 major project, 8 UGC Minor research projects, as well published 16 ISBN books and organized 20 State level and National level Seminars /Conferences.
We initiate our students into the art of learning by helping them to acquire the right mental attitudes and learning habits. Our committed teaching faculty imparts not only the art of learning but also art of thinking together, sharing together, working together and living together which empowers the students towards their cherished ideals and realized goals.