“For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat!”
Mathew 25:35
The recognition of the needs of others and meeting them remain the basic tenants of Christianity and of T.B.M.L.College which was established with the object of serving the marginalized of this land.

It was observed that a number of students come to college without taking food due to several socio-economic factors. Such students also found to be lacking in their academic efforts due to this. For the benefit of them the college came up with an Innovative Scheme, ‘MANNA’. With the financial support of the staff members (Both Teaching & Administrative) it started providing ‘one meal to the students from the academic year 2009. The scheme now, supports 150 students. Beneficiaries of this scheme acknowledge a holistic improvement in their performances. This scheme was well appreciated by media and Popular Tamil weekly Ananda Vikatan published an article in 24.8.2011 issue. Though the scheme is supported by the staff, at times some generous contribution from the donors helped as to extend our helping hand further. We specially acknowledge Weiteeleitung Von Gymnasium Walsrode School, Germany for donating Rs. 78,356/- through LMW, Germany. Also we thank Rev. Dr. Christian Samraj for all the efforts taken toward this donation.
Dr. A. Christy Ponni- Co-ordinator