The Coat of Arms College has the symbol of the versatile religious giant, Martin Luther, at the centre. There is a small cross at the centre of a rose and a heart and the engravedword, “FAITH” . This teaches us that in the midst of trials and temptations we should cling to the Lord in faith. The Coat of Arms is divided into 4 quarters by a bigger cross, going from the left-top clockwise we see :
1. The open Bible which symbolizes the source of knowledge. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom”.
2. The glowing torch signifies the need to dispel darkness. Only through a proper, balanced education of the mind and the soul, darkness and ignorance can be eliminated.”I am the light of the world”, says our Lord.
3. The historic Danish Fort close to the Bay of Bengal at Tranquebar is an essential reminder to guard ourselves against evil in all its manifestations.
4. The majestic New Jerusalem Chruch at Tranquebar is a three-century-old Lutheran Church built by Bartholomaeus Ziegenbalg, the first Protestant Christian Missionary to India. This emphasises the association of the College with the Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Church (TELC) which established the College for the benefit of the people of this economically backward area.
The emblem is underlined by the Motto of our College “Amor Vincit Omnia” which means “Love Conquers All”. Love forms the basis of the teaching of Jesus Christ. Only through love mankind can get wisdom, honesty, perseverance and all the other virtues.